Friday, December 30, 2011

Yes Big Sis, I am a hockey fan

A (defending Stanly Cup Champion) Bruins fan, to be exact.  So I guess I am grateful that you have turned your ever vigilant, watchful and pa(ma?)ternal eye towards the ice sheet.  I can rest easier now that I know you are on the job.  Big Sister just released an announcement which said in part:
"Every citizen plays a critical role in identifying and reporting suspicious activities and threats," said Secretary Napolitano. "By expanding the 'If You See Something, Say Something™' campaign to the NHL, we are working together to ensure the safety and security of employees, players, and fans."
As part of the Department's "If You See Something, Say Something™" partnership with the NHL, a Public Service Announcement will be read before and during games, and campaign graphics will appear on the videoboard and on ribbon boards. Safety messaging will also be printed on the back of NHL Winter Classic credentials for staff, players, and volunteers. In addition, the Department has partnered with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and City of Philadelphia to place "If You See Something, Say Something™" advertisements throughout Philadelphia at airports and gas stations, and on buses, trains and billboards.
I think this is a great idea.  Hmmm, where do I begin?  OK, I'll give it a shot:

1. Matt Cooke on the Capitals is an a$$hole thug who oughta be taken ought and shot or at least thrown in to Guantanamo.

2. The Sedins on Vancouver are diving, Euro-wussies who should be given skirts and told to sit in the corner while real men play a real man's game.

3. And don't get me started on every freaking Montreal Canadian who ever took a breath . . .

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