Monday, January 9, 2012

I cant stand the ridiculously politically correct, reactionary schools in the North East


North East part of Georgia, that is.  Jack Persyn is a Gwinnett County Middle School student.  His Aunt bought him a cool camo ruck sack at a yard sale.  She gave it to him and Jack brought it to school for his books.  Only when he opened it up, he discovered a jack knife inside.  What did he do?  Inconspicuously hide it back in the bag until he could take it out at home?  Nope.  Jack immediately went up to his teacher and gave it to her along with the explanation about how he had unknowingly brought it to school.  So of course the teacher and school administration commended young Jack as a shining example of what to do and held him up in front of the student body for pedagogical purposes for teaching them what to do if they were ever faced with a similar situation, right?  Well, they sure held him up as an example, all right.  They suspended him for four days.  Way to go, Gwinnett County schools.  I just have one question: if the people running the schools are that stupid, how the heck can they teach our children?


Brock Townsend said...

I just have one question: if the people running the schools are that stupid, how the heck can they teach our children?

Good one and they don't my last, as she is homeschooled.

2cents said...

Good thinking.

Borepatch said...

There's got to be a class action lawsuit in here somewhere, on this "Zero Tolerance" B.S.

With a clause that says that it's so egregious that the public officials cannot claim immunity.

That'd put an end to it overnight.

Sigh. Oh, well. If it was Sudbury MA, they'd have put the school in lockdown. [rolls eyes]